Saturday, March 28, 2009

My Mojo Mojo

I'm hoping to get my mojo back. I'm refering to my writing mojo,of course.

I used to be able to write a zillion pages of nonsense a couple of years back, on anything. The back of my notebooks,textbooks,sparse bits of paper and even the back of paper menus. I stopped abruptly one day and that was it. No more whimsical recordings of my thoughts and views on memories on daily occurrences. I missed those.

I have to try to remember on some days what I actually did for certain special occasions. Nothing comes to mind.

Hence, I'm picking up writing again. Mostly so I can refer back and say "Ar..This really happened?" and also, I really have to clear my head of the zillions of lines of thoughts and crap going through it.

Doesn't everyone have this problem as well?

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